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Updated September, 2003


Able Tech-L


ABLETECH-L is a discussion list aimed at parents, teachers, and others concerned with disabilities and assistive technology. The main focus of discussion on ABLETECH-L is the resources available to assist disabled persons with independent living.
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of your message ttype:
subscribe ABLETECH-L firstname lastname
AbleTech-l: Click here to subscribe


Welcome to the acb-l mailing list! ACB-L is a List for general discussion
on topics related to the American Council of the Blind and almost anything
else people care to raise about blindness. It is intended to be a free-wheeling
forum with little structure except that of courtesy and respect for one another.
It is a way for ACB members and friends to keep in touch at the grass roots
Special Instructions
Leave the subject line clear,
and in the body of your message type:
Subscribe acb-
lACB-L: Click here to subscribe

Activities Blind

Hosted by YahooGroups

Come join this list which enables blind people worldwide to exchange information about hobbies, sports and recreational activities, tours and much more.
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Activities: Blind Click here to subscribe


Hosted by YahooGroups

Blindness Advocacy Self-Help This list is for Visually Impaired people to discuss anything but Access Technology. It is likely that some topics that will be discussed might not be suitable for very young people, however, it is for every list-member to act in a responsible manner in respect of their choice of language used. There are many thorny issues that we as visually impaired people don't have the opportunity to discuss, well now we can. So let's enjoy!
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Bash Online: Click here to subscribe

Beep Baseball

Hosted by Topica

Beep Baseball, often also referred to as Beepball, or Beeperball, and even Beeper Baseball, is the sport of baseball--actually more like softball--adapted so that it can be played by the blind and visually impaired.
It's a fun and challenging game of baseball where all players except for the pitcher and catcher are blindfolded! The blindfolds ensure fairness in the game--due to different levels of vision among players.
The ball beeps one tone and the bases beep in a different tone, to allow all players to locate the ball and bases as necessary. It's a fun and exciting game to not only be a part of, but to watch, as well!
This discussion list is for all who are currently involved in the sport or who support the game, and also for all who want to learn more about the game of Beep Baseball.
This Beep Baseball Discussion List is managed by the Coventry South Sharks' -- Akron Ohio's own Beep Baseball team. But it is a general list dedicated to the growth and support of Beep Baseball across the USA.
The National Beep Baseball Association (NBBA) is the governing organization for the sport of Beep Baseball here in the USA. If you want to learn more about the game of Beep Baseball, please go to Our Website
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
Beep Baseball: Click here to subscribe

Begin Again

Hosted by YahooGroups

As age and changing health bring new challenges to being visually impaired, it is necessary to find new ways to succeed. This list is intended as a forum for discussing those changes and finding solutions to the problems they pose We will work together to find new techniques and ways of sharing strategies with those needing them, and those who provide services to them. Please stay on topic. There are lots of other places for general discussion. No flaming will be tollerated. . All visually impaired persons, and others interested in this growing need are welcome.
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BeginAgain: Click here to subscribe

BlindCountry Music

Hosted by Topica

This is a discussion e-mail voice portal for sharing country music. Anyone's welcome, although blind people are prefered and anything country goes as long as it's clean. Just use common sence.
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
BlindCountry Music: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by YahooGroups

Welcome to bldlist! Welcome to blindness list! Focus Discussions on the blind or visually impaired, and issues relating there of. If you need more information on this list, please contact the list manager at To subscribe to this list send a blank e-mail to, to unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail to, and to post to the list, send an e-mail to The guide lines are simple stay on topic.
Special Instructions:
Leave the subject line and body clear.

Bldlist: Click here to subscribe

Blind Conservative

Hosted by YahooGroups

If you are tired of being flamed or called to task simply because you think for yourself ather than to mindlessly chant the political slogans of the radical left, this list is for you. We will not remove you from the list simply because a majority of the members don't like your politics as long as you observe reasonable net etiquette.
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Blind Conservative: Click here to subscribe

Blind Diabetics

Hosted by YahooGroups

This is a group where we can discuss coping with diabetes and being blind or visually impaired. Anyone is welcome, but this list is geared more toward the blind. I would also like to talk about weight-loss programs people are on, problems you might have with being overweight or obesity. Also, we will talk the types of exercises you do. Let's talk about anything dealing with weightloss while dealing with diabetes.
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Blind Diabetics: Click here to subscribe

Blind Equestrians

Hosted by YahooGroups


This group is a forum for blind equestrians to exchange ideas, and information on the breeding, raising, training, showing, and use of horses as well as management of horse-related businesses. Discussion of accommodations, and alternative techniques to allow the blind horse enthusiast to participate on an equal basis with sighted equestrians is strongly encouraged.
Special Instructions:
Leave the subject line and body clear.

Blind-Equestrians : Click here to subscribe

Blindness Experiences

Hosted by YahooGroups

Ask questions, share personal experiences living with blindness or low vision. This will be an on-line/e-mail mutual support group for people coping with blindness and visual impairment. Come share your challenges and your accomplishments. Don't be afraid to ask questions you wonder about relating to blindness and vision loss. Remember that no question is a dumb one here. I want this to be a friendly and supportive group, and anyone who is blind or visually impaired is welcome to join and participate on this list. BTW I myself am visually impaired, and at age 32 I am only now really beginning to come to terms with it, but it isn't an easy journey. That's why I'm starting this list...because I believe that I'm not out here all alone. So, hopefully we all can learn and grow together.
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Blindness Experiences: Click here to subscribe

Blind Feelings

Hosted by YahooGroups


Many blind people face anxiety, depression, and the loneliness and confusion that results from past abuse.   In this group, visually impaired members support each other, keeping the ultimate goal of healing in mind.   As well as open conversation about our feelings, we discuss the unique ways that vision loss contributes to our problems, and together we look for solutions.   Honesty is a must.   No personal attacks will be allowed, and anything that is revealed in the group will be kept in confidence by all members.   Plain text messages are preferred.

Special Instructions:
Leave the subject line and body clear.

Blind-feelings: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by Topica

SJU List for Families of the Blind
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BLINDFAM: Click here to subscribe

Blind Friends

Hosted by YahooGroups

Blind-Friends is a list for blind people to make friends and share ideas and problems. It doesn't matter weather the problems are computer related, work related, or just something a person is having trouble with or wants to share.
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Blind Friends: Click here to subscribe

Blind Gardner

Hosted by YahooGroups


Blind Gardeners, is a group for blind and visually impaired people who are interested in gardening. Discussion topics include, gardening in general, problems unique to blind and visually impaired gardeners, the availability, quality, and speech accessibility of gardening CD's, gardening books in other formats, and what to do with the produce of the garden. This group is family friendly, so no profanity please.
Special Instructions:
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Blind Gardner: Click here to subscribe

Blind Gay

Hosted by YahooGroups


The blind-gay list is primarily for blind men who are gay and are interested in meeting other blind gay men.   Sighted men who are interested in meeting blind men are also welcome.   If your not sure that your gay and you need someone to talk too.   If you would like to talk about gay life or meet someone.   Then this is the group for you!
Special Instructions:
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Blind Gay: Click here to subscribe

Blind Guitarists

Hosted by Topica

Blind Guitarists is a discussion list dedicated to blind individuals with regard to the further learning and discussion of the guitar from, but not limited to, soely a blind perspective. All people interested in playing or have played are welcome to join in. Because this is for those wishing to learn more and for those wishing to help others by sharing playing techniques, music theory, learning resources and so forth, all skill levels are welcomed. Discussions could contain topics such as: learning resources, theory, maintenance, types and brands of guitars, chording, lead guitar, rhythm, finger picking styles, acoustic or electric guitars, peripherals and effects and accessories, music notations and just about anything guitar related.
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
Blind Guitarists: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by YahooGroups

Blindindepth is a list for in-depth discussion of all aspects of life with blindness and visual impairments.   In-depth discussions of emotional reactions, educational issues, dealing with medical and rehabilitation professionals, effect of blindness on spiritual life, self-esteem, and accomplishment of daily life tasks are encouraged.   While all of these topics may not be relevant for every person on the list, discussions in these and other areas will not be prohibited or stifled so long as the topic of visual impairment remains central.   This list may generate high volume and highly expressive emails.   Please be aware of this if you choose to subscribe.
Special Instructions:
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BlindIndepth: Click here to subscribe

Blind Kiss

Hosted by YahooGroups

Do you love to visit, Do you enjoy the shows/articles and general madness that goes on there? Then why not join the official un-official blindkiss email list??! Topics include everything with one exception, we are a no tech list. You can get that on many other lists. Some of you may remember me as the moderator of blindy-madness a list I used to own but had to close down, I'm intending to revive not only the lists fantastic banter and craic but also discuss many subjects of a blindness perspective with one difference, in a blindkiss/Dj Paddy point of view! So why not joinand see if you can fidn out just what a blind kiss is? You're Wee Moderator Dj Paddy
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Blind Kiss: Click here to subscribe

Blind Liberal

Hosted by SmartGroups

There are many groups out there where we can debate current events in the news and other issues. However, it seems that it is fashionable to bash liberals and other non-conservative folk merely for having their own world view, thanks to popular conservative talkshow hosts and rampant neo-conservatism and neo-patriotism. This is a place where not only liberals but those in the center or who have more realistic views uncolored by party politics may send articles or discuss whatever they like. It doesn't have to be serious material either. If you'd just like to chatter and get to know one another as people, that's OK. Just relax and have fun and feel safe. If you have joined this list to cause trouble or shout down people who do not take your side, this is not the place for you. Try joining the blind-side group at Smartgroups for any of that. We need a place where those of us with what is apparently an unpopular view may speak our minds safely without being persecuted.
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
Blind Liberal: Click here to subscribe

Blind Martial Arts

Hosted by SmartGroups

This group has been set up to allow an exclusive outlet for blind/sighted persons interested in either practicing or training various martial arts from a blindness perspective. Do you currently practice a martial art as a blind person? Do you train or are you interested in training blind people? Would you like to start a martial art but are unsure of which one or where you could go to find out more information about classes? Then why not join and share you're experiences and advice with our members?
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
Blind Martial Arts: Click here to subscribe

Blind Members

Hosted by YahooGroups

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Blind Members: Click here to subscribe

Blind Mirage

Hosted by YahooGroups

a place for those who believe in the possibilities and potential of all people. discussion of adaptive technologies for people who are blind. discussion of diversity we represent the only minority anyone can join! We are white, hispanic, native american, black, asian, we are all people! accessibility is Not Just Ramps. general respectful discussions are very much encouraged!
Special Instructions:
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Blind Mirage: Click here to subscribe

Blind Musicians

Hosted by Topica

Blind-musicians was created as a relaxed, friendly environment in which blind or vision impaired individuals may discuss their own experiences, express concerns, or offer advise about the issues surrounding the day-to-day lives of those who are involved with making music in some form or fashion, as they relate to blind folk.
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Blind Musicians: Click here to subscribe

Blind People

Hosted by YahooGroups

Talk about blind issues around the world, meet blind people and interact with people just like you! The sited are more than welcomed!
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Blind People: Click here to subscribe

Blind People Of Colour

Hosted by YahooGroups

For Persons who are blind and of African American or of color who would like to meet new persons and make friends and for an extended family.
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blind People Of Colour : Click here to subscribe

Blind Positive Thinkers

Hosted by SmartGroups

promotes positive experiences and attitudes of blindness
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Blind Positive Thinkers : Click here to subscribe

Blind Psychics

Hosted by Topica

This is a list for Psychics that have a vision impairment. Or for individuals who are blind or vision impaired. The list is meant to discuss Psychic and Paranormal events surrounding the Vision impaired Or just chit chat. There is no age limit. The list is safe for those under 18. No spamming! No Flaming No PORN of anykind. You will get booted for violations Visit the Website
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
Blind Psychics: Click here to subscribe

Blind Sail

Hosted by Topica

Blind Sail is a list to facilitate discussion among blind and visually impaired people about sailing. Topics include, but are by no means limited to, techniques used by blind and visually impaired people to sail, and also technology which assists when participating in this sport.
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
Blind Sail: Click here to subscribe

Blind Seniors Club

Hosted by YahooGroups

This group is for blind and visually impaired persons over 50 who want to be accepted for who they are. Here we can discuss all issues dealing with our blindess. I think this is a great way to maybe find a great pen-pal or possibly your soulmate. Please be respectful of other members and everyone join in and introduce yourself.
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Blind Seniors Club: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by Topica

Bblind Side: Where all postings are welcome and encouraged.  We are specifically a place to give all folks who are blind a forum to discuss, post and read anything on any topic that may or may not be related to blindness.  Often we discuss current politics but we are free to discuss just about anything
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
BlindSide: Click here to subscribe

Blind Swimmers

Hosted by Topica

This is a place where blind and visually impaired competitive swimmers can trade information, tips, and views on everything pertaining to local, regional, mational, and international competition. This will also be a place where we can create a community out of individuals spread across the country.
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
Blind Swimmers: Click here to subscribe

Blindness Support

Hosted by YahooGroups

This is a support group for blind/visually impaired individuals who want to have discussions with others who are blind or loosing their sight. The discussions can be about any blindness related topics, except religion & politics. I expect all members to respect each other. No flaming will be tolerated!
Special Instructions:
Leave the subject line and body clear.

Blindness Support: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by Listserv

BLIND T L K exists to facilitate the discussion of general topics of interest to blind and visually impaired persons, their friends and relatives, and anyone else who is interested in blindness and visual impairments. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, computers and adaptive access technology, Braille and Braille literacy, cane travel, Guide Dogs, alternative techniques of blindness, training centers, etc BLIND T L K is sponsored by the National Federation of the Blind, and "is intended to promote the positive philosophy of blindness developed and promoted by the National Federation of the Blind." BLIND T L K also provides users with access to the resources and information provided by the International Braille and Technology Center for the Blind, the world's largest demonstration and evaluation center for computer technology used by blind persons.
Special Instructions:
Leave the subject line clear, and in the body of your message type: subscribe blindtlk. That is. blind t l k. All one word.
Blind-t l k: Click here to subscribe

Blindness Topics

Hosted by YahooGroups

This list is for people who are blind or visually impaired, their families and friends, coworkers of people who are blind or visually impaired, and people with a genuine interest in the well being of people who are blind or visually impaired to get together on the web and discuss a multitude of things, from topics of day to day living, to issues of gaining employment, to education of blind and/or visually impaired children, mobility issues, and the latest assistive technology, etc.
Special Instructions:
Leave the subject line and body clear.

Blindness Topics : Click here to subscribe

Blind Vent

Hosted by SmartGroups

This list is one that 'all' views are welcome to be expressed. No censorship will be performed against anyone's posts. You can post whatever is on your mind. It does not have to deal with visual impairments. Post politics, religion, current events, sports, life, or just how you are feeling or coping. It is fun and has a good group of members.
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
Blind Vent: Click here to subscribe

Blind Women Chat

Hosted by YahooGroups

This group is for blind women of all ages to chit-chat about anything and everything. Issues relating to blindness can be discussed, as well as your favorite foods. We hope you'll join us over there and make long, lasting friendships.
Special Instructions:
Leave the subject line and body clear.

Blind Woman Chat: Click here to subscribe

Blind Writers

Hosted by YahooGroups

This list is for writers who are blind or visually impaired to discuss writing in general as well as aspects of creative writing or the writing profession which may present unique problems for a writer who is blind or visually impaired.
Special Instructions:
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Blind Writers: Click here to subscribe

Blind - Writers (2)

Hosted by YahooGroups

This group is for blind and visually impaired writers to share works, discuss styles of writing, and to discuss the visual aspects of writing and how they deal with them.
Special Instructions:
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Blind-Writers: Click here to subscribe

Blind With Sight

Hosted by YahooGroups

This list is dedicated to the discussion of issues related to "partially" blind or sighted individuals.   List members can share stories, problems, issues or just chat.   When you're caught between two worlds, it's nice to know someone else is out there in the same situation.
Special Instructions:
Leave the subject line and body clear.

Blind With Sight: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by YahooGroups

Blindtech is a list for the discussion of any technology as it affects blind people. This is not a computer -only list, although computing issues certainly constitute the majority of the messages.
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Blindtech: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by Listserv

Blind-X, is a forum open to blind and sighted people alike. It has not been formed to compete with other blindness-related mailing lists but will serve as just one more avenue of information exchange among blind computer users.

Blind-X is not restricted to computer-related discussions but anything blindness-related. Cross postings of information, for sale items, questions and answers, product information, belly aching and complaining, help and tips, software, the proes and cons of anything blind related, where to find the best talking watch or web sight, and just about anything else one might wish to discuss is more than welcome on BLIND-X. If, on the other hand, a discussion begins to take on a life of its own, and if that discussion just so happens to be the main focus of a mailing list set aside for that topic, the moderator will suggest it be move to that list. In this way, BLIND-X is designed to facilitate discussion on topics unrelated to, or not covered by, other mailing lists.

Special Instructions:
Leave the subject line clear
and in the body of your message type:
SUBSCRIBE BLIND-X firstname lastname.

Blind-X: Click here to subscribe

Hosted by Topica

This is the open discussion list for the on line community from Benetech. It is aimed at blind people and others with print related disabilities who wish to exchange ideas for and about the service. is a legal way for elidgeable individuals to receive copyrighted books in electronic formats. Website.
Special Instructions: Send a blank email. Click here to subscribe

Bum Eyes

Hosted by YahooGroups

BumEyes is a list designed for the blind or visually impaired, as well as for concerned persons, family members of the blind, or for those interested and/or becoming educated to concepts, issues and knowledge concerning the blind population. Please send an introductory post telling about yourself and perhaps what may have interested you about joining this list.

Special Instructions:
Leave the subject line and body clear.

BumEyes: Click here to subscribe

Cane Talk

Hosted by YahooGroups

Discussion of various types of canes and cane travel techniques used by the blind.
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CaneTalk: Click here to subscribe

Ei Ccore

Hosted by YahooGroups

EnAble India is an NGO based in Bangalore, India. EnAble India's mission is to empower people with disabilities. People with disabilities do not require our sympathy. They require the right environment to grow and fulfil their needs and potential. The goals of EnAble India are 1) To empower the disabled - visually, mobility and hearing impaired 2) To enable the rehabilitation of people with disabilities through appropriate training and assistive aids designed for daily living, education, etc.
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Ei Core: Click here to subscribe



Hosted by SmartGroups

This is a discussion e-mail list for anything to do with the National Talking-Express tape magazine for the Blind and the Radio for the Print Impaired UK which is one of our current projects. Any further developments, policy and other non-personal matters to do with the organization, events Etc. may be discussed here.
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
NTExpress : Click here to subscribe

TVI Talk

Hosted by YahooGroups

Discussion and support of Technologies for the Visually Impaired
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TVI-talk: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by YahooGroups

Discussion list for VICS (Visually Impaired Computer society of Ireland)
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VICS: Click here to subscribe

VIShopping UK

Hosted by Topica

This is a list for visually impaired people in the UK to discuss the accessibility of online shopping.
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
VI Shopping UK: Click here to subscribe

Vision Loss

Hosted by YahooGroups

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Vision Loss: Click here to subscribe

Visually Impaired List

Hosted by Topica

This list is open to all people aged over 17 years who are blind or partially sighted and sighted people who are involved in the lives of visually impaired people whether professionally or socially.
Special Instructions:
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Visually Impaired List: Click here to subscribe

Vistory Writers

Hosted by YahooGroups

I've created this portal to encourage young, "Blind/Visually Impaired" story writers! Feel free to come up with your short stories! Samar Faruqui.
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Vistory Writers: Click here to subscribe

World Wide Blind Singles

Hosted by SmartGroups

this is a group where blind singles from all over the world can meat and make new friends. and hopefully create long/term relationships. Note: Adult Content!
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
World Wide Blind Singles : Click here to subscribe

Books Reading

Hosted by Listserv

The Books/Reading emailing list is dedicated to the discussion of books as read by the blind and visually impaired. Topics include braille, audio, large print, moon type, and other print alternatives; favorite narrators and books; copyright and access issues relating to books and printed materials; as well as anything else related to books and reading from a blind and visually impaired perspective.

The Books/Reading list has spawned a web site, Read 'Em and Speak, which contains links to sources of electronic texts and reading materials and media for the blind and visually impaired, as well as complete works of fiction. Read 'Em and Speak is located at

The Books/Reading list also maintains an FTP archive, located at: to which books in the public domain can be uploaded and downloaded.

Special Instructions:
Leave the subject line clear, and in the body of your message type: subscribe books firstname lastname.
Books/Reading: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by Listserv

NFB-TALK exists to disseminate news and information about the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) and its activities. It is also intended as a conduit for the discussion of NFB's philosophy of blindness and topics of specific interest to members of the NFB and its friends, as they relate to the NFB, its policies, activities, and philosophy.
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NFB-Talk: Click here to subscribe

Radio 2000

Hosted by Topica

If you were ever on Evoice for any length of time, then some of you may remember my Ecg-radio2000 group on there. Well, this list is just like that group, we talk about all types of radio communications from ham radio, to broadcast radio to radio and the internet. -- John Faircloth
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Radio 2000: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by Majordomo

Skybooks is an e-mail book discussion group sponsored by the CNIB Library. Skybooks is a forum for people to discuss books -- any book, any time. To provide some discussion structure, we'll be highlighting one book or topic each month, but we won't be limiting discussion to just that. Each month will be hosted by a new moderator who will introduce the book, author, and/or theme and lead the discussion.All books selected will be available in the CNIB Library collection for CNIB Library clients.
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SkyBooks: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by YahooGroups

Discussion group for blind and visually impaired persons. All topics may be discussed. Do you have a favourite joke or recipe? Discuss travel tips, guide dogs, accessibility issues. Do you have screen reader dificulties? We have our share of techies on board. Skylite is open to whatever you feel a need to discuss! We are not restricted to blindness related issues. Come on in and meet a great bunch of people! For ages 18 and over.
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Skylite: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by Majordomo

SkyClub is an Internet discussion group, led by guest moderators who have special expertise on topics of interest to blind and visually impaired Canadians.A new topic is introduced every 3-4 weeks. Members are discouraged from going off topic within the duration of the guest speaker's appearance. No jokes should be posted.
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SUBSCRIBE skyclub-l
Skyclub-L: Click here to subscribe

USABA Tandem Cycling

Hosted by Topica

This list has been designed for people who are blind and visually impaired who have an interest in tandem cycling, and anyone else who is interested in being a part of tandem cycling to post information about competitions, workshops, and training opportunities, exchange ideas concerning ways to enhance training and performance, and to serve as a resource for tandem enthusiasts.
Tandem cycling is becoming popular which means there are more opportunities to participate in recreational and competitive events, but there still is a great need for growth in the sport. The United States Association of Blind Athletes, (USABA) promotes tandem cycling and every year there are categories for road and track cycling nationals for USABA cycling. One member of a tandem team must be legally blind in order to compete in USABA events.
The purpose of this list is to inform cyclists about opportunities for recreational and competitive cycling. This list has been developed specifically for the sport of tandem cycling. We welcome discussion about road, track, and mountain biking. Interested list members may include, but are not limited to: All levels of visually impaired and blind cyclists, —beginners, intermediate, and advanced (Paralympic)cyclists, , anyone who is visually impaired or blind and has an interest in road, track, or mountain biking, people who are pilots/captains or are interested in becoming pilots/captains for blind or visually impaired cyclists, cycling club coordinators, coaches/instructors, professionals in the fields of blindness, adaptive Physical Education teachers, and family and friends of people with visual impairments.
Possible topics for discussion on the list may include: recruiting pilots/captains, how to get involved, information about clinics and races, national and international competitions, riding tips, equipment, fitness, and how to become a USABA member.
Special Instructions: Send a blank email.
USABA Cycling: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by YahooGroups

VIP-SHEEP-TALK is a list for blind and visually impaired persons who enjoy yarn related crafts (typically knitting and/or crocheting). However, if you have a craft you find enjoyable and which involves the use of yarn -- come and join us because we’d love to hear what you’re working on and how you manage the craft. This is the group to join if you want to; share and learn patterns; get the scoop on yarns and related supplies; Get some help on one of those difficult to learn patterns or stitches ; And make some new friends in the process! It doesn’t matter if you’re at a beginning, intermediate, or advanced skill level in your craft we’re looking forward to hearing from you. Our shop-talk is about more than sheep! It can be about cotton, silk, goat, rabbit, man-made fibers,  or anything else pertaining to a yarn craft.
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VIP-SHEEP-TALK: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by Topica

: Womentalk is a discussion list for blind and visually impaired women. Topics can include, but are not limited to, adjustment to blindness, employment, dating and social interactions, house cleaning and cooking tips, etc. A safe and friendly place for visually impaired women to discuss problems, and find help and support.
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WomenTalk: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by Topica

A place where visually impaired women can come to discuss issues relevant to their lives.
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VisWomen: Click here to subscribe


Hosted by YahooGroups

The Matilda Ziegler Magazine for the Blind was founded in 1907 By Matilda
Ziegler.   It is published monthly in Braille and on audio tape and mailed
free to blind and low vision people world wide.   The Ziegler reprints
articles, poems and short stories from several news papers and
journals.   In addition there is the readers forum where readers have a
chance to express their ideas on several topics.   There is also a pen pals
section where readers have a chance to make new friends and rediscover old ones as well.
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