Symbol. Person with cane

Two Monkeys.

This site is friendly to screen readers!

Software Access.

Click here to check out hundreds of accessible radio stations around the world with Peter's RadioClicks!



Hosted by Majordomo

Access-L: Click here to subscribe

Description Access
ACCESS-L is an open form for the free and unmoderated discussion of access. This discussion can be either a technical one, as related to computers, or a more general discussion of any aspect of accessibility. It is not limited, however, and topics of general interest to the group are encouraged.
Special Instructions. In the body of your message type: SUBSCRIBE ACCESS-L



Access UK

Hosted by YahooGroups

Access-UK: Click here to subscribe

Description Access.
Access Technology Information Platform.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.

Access UK Website




Hosted by YahooGroups

Accessfortheblind: Click here to subscribe

Description Access.
Access for the blind is a list dedicated to serve as a forum for discussion   by and for people with visual impairments and blindness. This list is to help keep people informed on changes in the field of adaptive technology, technical support for adaptive technology and to help serve as a user testimonial of the products for the blind and visually impaired. Topics will includeJAWS for Windows, WindowEyes, Atlas talking maps, Braille embossers, the Braille 'n Speak and OCR reading systems (Open Book and Omni Page Pro.) Feel free to post your comments and join in. We are also setting up a voice chat room in the near future for an on-line chat about adaptive technology.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.

Access For The blind Website



Access To Instant Messaging

Hosted by Topica

Access to Instant Messaging: Click here to subscribe

Description Instant Messaging.
This list was created to provide a forum for the blind community to share information on how to get the most from instant messaging applications and services with speech, Braille and large print output. Our goals for this list are to help troubleshoot problems, promote the use of instant messaging by the blind and advocate for accessible IM interfaces.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.



Hosted by Listserv

ADV HTML: Click here to subscribe

Description HTML.
ADV-HTML is a heavily moderated email list for the discussion of
advanced hypertext markup language and other advanced Web topics.
While ADV-HTML has over 4,000 subscribers from 63 countries, the mail
volume on ADV-HTML is relatively low (about six letters a day.)
Special Instructions Leave the subject line clear, and in the body of your message type: SUBSCRIBE ADV-HTML firstname lastname




Audlist: Click here to subscribe

Description Games.
The Audyssey discussion list is the means by which the growing community of blind gamers are able to communicate around the world. It is an E-mail list open to everyone. Rules of common courtesy and respect prevail. Parents and younger folks should be aware that curse words are permitted and that mature subjects are occasionally discussed. Members of Audlist will automatically receive E-mailed issues of Audyssey newsletter. You can also subscribe directly from the ESP Softworks web-page.
Special Instructions. In the subject line of your message type: subscribe


Blind File

Hosted by Topica

Blind file: Click here to subscribe

Description File Sharing.
This list will help people with screen readers access file sharing clients such as the Napster interface.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.


Blind Gamers

Hosted by YahooGroups

Blind Gamers: Click here to subscribe

Description Computer games for the blind.
the blind gamers list, for visually impaired people to discuss new and existing computer games.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.
Blind Gamers Website  



Hosted by Listserv

Blind-L: Click here to subscribe

Description Tech Support
Speech synthesizer not speaking to you? Refreshable braille display need refreshing? Scanner not scanning? If you've got problems, BLIND-L has the answers. With over 500 subscribers worldwide, someone's bound to be able to help.
Special Instructions. In the body of your message type: SUBSCRIBE BLIND-L firstname lastname



Hosted by YahooGroups

Blindtech: Click here to subscribe

Description General.
Blindtech is a list for the discussion of any technology as it affects blind people. This is not a computer -only list, although computing issues certainly constitute the majority of the messages.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.
Blindtech Website  



Hosted by YahooGroups

Blindwebbers: Click here to subscribe

Description Web site creation.
I set up this group to create a forum for blind and visually impaired web authors to share ideas and tips.   Being a blind web author, I hope to be able to help others in their endeavors of creating useful, attractive and accessible web sites.
Special Instructions. Leave the subject line and body clear.

Blindwebbers Website



Hosted by Majordomo

B.C.A.B: Click here to subscribe

Description Computing
BCAB is the emailing list of the British Computer Association of the Blind. Membership in BCAB is not, however, a prerequisite for subscribing to this list. The BCAB email list is administered at the University of Manchester. The British Computer Association of the Blind (BCAB) was formed in 1969 and gained company and charitable status in 1995. The objectives of the Association are to promote the special needs and interests of the visually impaired who either work in the computing field or have an active interest in computing. Particular emphasis is given to the advancement of education and provision of specially adapted training/courses through the use and application of computing and information technology. BCAB has approximately 200 members and the diversity of experience represented by the membership means that the Association can lend effective support to those seeking help and advice. The Association is affiliated to the British Computer Society and has close links with the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB.)
Special Instructions. Leave the subject line clear, and in the body of your message type. SUBSCRIBE BCAB


Blind Eudora

Hosted by Topica

Blind Eudora: Click here to subscribe

Description Eudora.
Blind Eudora deals with problems in Eudora, and speech software.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.




Hosted by Topica

Blindfile: Click here to subscribe

Description File Sharing.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.


Blind Notes

Hosted by Yahoo Groups

Blind Notes: Click here to subscribe

Description Lotus Notes.
If you are a Lotus Notes user, or if you are helping someone who is blind use Lotus Notes, or just want to share experiences with this package, this list is for you. Blind-Notes is a list intended for blind users of Lotus Notes. If you are using Lotus Notes and want to share your personal experiences, or if you are assisting (or have assisted) a blind individual configure for the use of Lotus Notes, you are encouraged to subscribe to Blind-Notes.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.

Blind Notes Website




Hosted by RedHat

Blinux-list: Click here to subscribe

Description Linux
BLINUX-LIST is a moderated forum dedicated to develop support for blind users of the free operating system, Linux. The purpose of BLINUX-LIST is to serve as a catalyst which will both spur and speed the development of software which will enable the blind user to run his or her own Linux workstation his or herself. One of the first steps in this direction is the compilation of HOW TO documentation files, in a wide variety of formats and languages, which will enable blind, visually impaired, deaf-blind, and low-vision users to install LINUX on their computers themselves.

So, who should subscribe to BLINUX-LIST and why? Well, if you are a software developer with spare time (is there such a creature?) who is interested in facilitating support for blind users of Linux, BLINUX-LIST is the place to exchange ideas, announce new software and trouble-shooting strategies, and get feedback from "the blind vine". If you are a professional working in the field of blind computer use, BLINUX-LIST is the ideal source of new, interesting information and a means of sharing your experiences with others. If you are a hacker who is blind, you may use BLINUX-LIST to get the newest blind support software for Linux.

Special Instructions
In the subject of your message type: subscribe  


Bns Users

Hosted by Topica

Bns Users: Click here to subscribe

Description Blazie.
Welcome to bns-users, a list for users of all products from Blazie Engeneering. If you have a Braille 'N Speak, Type 'n Speak, Braille Lite, Braille Blazer, or any other Blazie product, join this informal forum for questions, comments, and discussion. Please note that this list is moderated by a product user, and is not affiliated with Blazie.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.


Chat House

Hosted by YahooGroups

Chat House: Click here to subscribe

Description Chat Programs.
This list is for those of us that are blind or visually impaired and use speech programs.   It is   for us to discuss chat programs and how well they work with our speech programs.   It is also a place you can post your chat times.   Like if your planning a chat you can tell all of the members where you'll be so they'll know, and they can join.   You also can just get on before your ready to chat or are currently in a   chat, and if you plan to be on for a while, you can post it to this list.  
Special Instructions. Leave the subject line and body clear.

Chat HouseWebsite



Hosted by Listserv

COMMO: Click here to subscribe

Description Access
COMMO, the efficient, small, and flexible term program from New Standard Software. The purpose of the Commo emailing list is to promote and discuss this popular and speech-friendly terminal emulation program. This list is independent of New Standard Software. The list is not an appropriate place to send file attachments or binary materials.
Special Instructions. Leave the subject line clear, and in the body of your message type: SUBSCRIBE COMMO


Duxbury User

Hosted by Majordomo

Duxbury User: Click here to subscribe

Description Duxbury Products.
The Duxbury User's List exists not only to provide support for users of Duxbury products, but also for anyone interested in Duxbury's braille-related products. The list not only provides a forum where users can post messages of general interest to other Duxbury users, but as a means of circulating announcements of general interest to Duxbury users, including all product releases and upgrades.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line clear, and in the body of your message type: SUBSCRIBE DUXUSER.



Hosted by Vassar

Emacspeak: Click here to subscribe

Description Emacs.
EMACSPEAK is a discussion list for users of Emacspeak, A Speech Output Subsystem For Emacs.
Special Instructions In the subject line type: subscribe. If you would like the subscription sent to any email address other than the one from which the subscription request is sent, please include that email address in the body of the message.



Hosted by YahooGroups

Eoat: Click here to subscribe

Description What's new.
Eye On Access Technology is dedicated to providing the latest and up to date information on adaptive and access technology for the blind and visually impaired. Keep in touch with all of the screen reading software, notetakers, scanning software and access technology for the internet on this list. We will have discussions and trouble shooting from our dedicated members on JWS for Windows, Open Book Ruby edition, Window eyes and all Blazie note takers like the Braille 'n Speak. In the future we hope to have our web site up and running which will have links to adaptive technology providers web sites, a training department where people can learn on line and a tech support link for access equipment. Thanks for stopping on by.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.



Hosted by YahooGroups

EyesightLinux: Click here to subscribe

Description Linux.
This list should help visually impaired people to access linux. We discuss problems & solutions using linux & the graphical interface.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.
Eyesight Linux Website  



Hosted by Listserv

GUIspeak: Click here to subscribe

Description Screen Readers
GUIspeak is a listserv dedicated to access to the graphical user interface (windows etc.) for persons who are blind or visually impaired.  It covers topics which may relate to more than one screen reader.  
Special Instructions. Leave the subject line clear, and in the body of your message type:   subscribe GUIspeak Jane Doe (replacing Jane Doe with your full name).  



Hosted by Listserv

GW-Info: Click here to subscribe

Description Window Eyes
GW-INFO is a public e-mail list for people to share questions and advice concerning GW Micro products. Questions should be focused specifically relating to products manufacturered or purchased from GW Micro. Posting for GW-INFO is not moderated, and therefore can accumulate a number of messages throughout the day.
Special Instructions. In the body of your message type: SUBSCRIBE GW-INFO



Hosted by Talklist

IBM-HPR: Click here to subscribe

Description Talking Web Browser.
IBM-HPR is a peer-support emailing list for IBM HomePage Reader, the talking web browser. A thirty day trial of HPR is available at: HomePage Reader. IBM Home Page Reader is the talking web browser designed by and for blind users. This list has been established by IBM for the purpose of shared support for that browser.

This is where to report problems with HRP and this is where you can share your strategies for accessing the web with HPR.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line clear, and in the body of your message type: SUBSCRIBE IBM-HPR firstname lastname.


Internet Phone Book

Hosted by YahooGroups

Internet Phone Book: Click here to subscribe

Description Information.
This free monthly electronic publication has subscribers from around the world. PB contains information related to the blind including blind related businesses, Blindness oriented organizations PB also lists a directory of speech friendly websites, real audio sites, news and information
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.
Internet Phone Book Website  



Hosted by Yahoo Groups

JFW: Click here to subscribe

Description Jaws screen reader.
JFW, the Jaws for Windows emailing list has been created to provide a place where users can discuss any aspect of the popular screen-reader for Windows. Topics of discussion include, but are not limited to, using JFW with specific programs; script writing and debugging; the sharing and distribution of scripts; and anything else you can think of that has to do with JFW.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.
JFW Website  



Hosted by YahooGroups

JFW-Access: Click here to subscribe

Description MS Access.
JFW-Access is dedicated to the discussion of the Microsoft database program known as Access. Since a lot of blind individuals need to learn how to use it, and it is a challenging program for blind people to master, JFW-Access is a place where blind users can share tips, tricks, scripts, and various other ideas.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.
JFW-Access Website  



Hosted by YahooGroups

JFW ICQ: Click here to subscribe

Description ICQ.
this list is for users of ICQ who use JFW to access the PC. It is intended for people who want to know how to use JFW for ICQ as well as those who want to help configure JFW and ICQ so they work better together. This list is for users, from beginner to advanced, of both programs. input from everyone is welcome
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.
JFW ICQ Website  



Hosted by Yahoo Groups

JFWlite: Click here to subscribe

Description For Jaws Users
A list for new users as well as experienced users of Jaws for Windows where we can share our experiences, questions, and suggestions.
JFWlite Website  



Hosted by YahooGroups

JFWScripts: Click here to subscribe

Description Scripts.
The JFWScripts list has been established in the hopes that the "Script Gurus," official or otherwise, will be willing to help us mere mortals in writing, editing, and developing new scripts for the JAWS for Windows screen reader. The JFW Script language is a powerful, flexible, and largely unsupported resource which endows the user with the ability to do damn near anything they like, given a little ingenuity and encouragement. Anyone and everyone who uses JFW is encouraged to join the JFWScripts list--especially people from Henter-Joyce's script team, unofficial script gurus, and anyone else interested in getting the most out of this script language! If you've got a question about the script language in general, or a certain script in particular; if you've tried creating a script, and it isn't doing what you thought it would do; if you can't get a script to compile; or if you'd just like to bounce an idea or two off other script writers, then the JFWScripts list is the place to do it!
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.
JFWScripts Website  




Hosted by Yahoo Groups

jfw-UK Click here to subscribe

Description For Jaws Users
A list for users of Jaws for Windows in the United Kingdom.
JFWlite Website  



Hosted by Majordomo

K1000 Kertzwell: Click here to subscribe

Description For users of the Kertzwell 1000.
Kurzweil 1000 is a discussion list for customers and prospective customers of the Kurzweil 1000, a PC-based reading software program for people who are blind.
Special Instructions. In the body of your message type: SUBSCRIBE k1000 Note: K1000 is all one word, so to speak.



Hosted by YahooGroups

Linux4Blind: Click here to subscribe

Description Linux.
Linux4Blind is a group of people interested in empowering individuals with disabilities throughout the world through free computer hardware, software, and training. We will begin our activities by focusing on assisting individuals who are blind by providing them with Linux-based machines and the necessary know-how to operate them productively. Our objective is to empower individuals with disabilities who are also economically disadvantaged so that these may live more productive and rewarding lives. The choice of individuals who are blind as our first target group stems from the fact that this is the disability we understand best. The choice of Linux, as our first platform for free distribution, is due to the following reasons: * Linux is an extremely powerful operating system which when made accessible to individuals with disabilities, may open to these numerous opportunities for learning and/or professional growth. * Linux is free. * Software necessary to make Linux useful and accessible to the blind such as Emacs, Emacspeak and IBM ViaVoice Outloud are available for free. * The efficiency with which Linux software operates allows older computers currently being discarded to be used effectively. This will reduce overall waste in our societies and fascilitate our search for hardware. The idea for this project coalesced very recently (on December 3, 1999, to be specific), thus the narrow focus on all the blind population in the world! The listowners of Linux4Blind are sure that others may have independently come up with a similar idea, and welcome all such like-minded individuals to work with us to make our common dream a reality.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.
Linux4Blind Website  



Hosted by YahooGroups

Magnifiers: Click here to subscribe

Description Screen Magnification.
This list is provided by The Screen Magnifiers Homepage. Subscribers receive information about new screen magnifier releases and other Low Vision related topics. Subscribers can discuss accessibility features for the computer, how to improve the accessibility to the computer and the Internet. They can do that by sharing their information and experiences, by giving other subscribers support and by sending tips and tricks to list.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.
Magnifiers Website  



Hosted by Listserv

MYNA-L: Click here to subscribe

Description The Myna.
MYNA-L Discussion of the Myna, a palmtop PC with speech.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line clear, and in the body of your message type: SUBSCRIBE MYNA-L



Hosted By

NoteTaker-L: Click here to subscribe

Description All Notetakers.
This list is for the discussion of all  aspects of notetakers! No matter who makes them or how old they  are. From intercacing with desktops to programs  for  them, to using them on the internet.  To discussions of the companies that manufacture  them and the pros and cons thereof!
Special Instructions: Send a Blank Email  




SoundForge: Click here to subscribe

Description SoundForge.
For users of sound forge.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line clear, and in the body of your message type: subscribe SoundForge



Hosted by Listserv

Techabla: Click here to subscribe

Description Spanish.
Techabla is a list dealing with any aspect related to Speech Technology
in Spanish (automatic speech recognition, synthesis, text-to-speech
conversion, speaker verification and identification, natural language
processing, coding and compression, etc.), including also topics related
to commercial products using this technologies.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line clear, and in the body of your message type: SUB TECHABLA firstname lastname.


Zoomtext List

Hosted by Yahoo Groups

Zoomtext List: Click here to subscribe

Description Zoomtext.
For the users of Zoomtext.
Special Instructions Leave the subject line and body clear.



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